A Rewarding Chapter, Rosie Jack

Here we are, the end of a rewarding chapter for me. Joining Balcaskie green, naïve and keen back in September 2018 I had no idea what my life would look like today in 2025. Nearly 7 years on I can truly say that being part of the Balcaskie movement and team has grown me as a person, challenged me and exposed me to some incredible horizons and opportunities.

Achievements – I have tried to pick out a few highlights or milestones achieved over the years but I do think the slow-burning achievements are better than the big milestones hit. The slower tasks and wins are almost more rewarding because over the years these small wins have moved Bowhouse and Balcaskie closer to fulfilling its never-ending purpose and mission. Seeing the Bowhouse Market Weekends grow and grow in popularity and quality has been hugely rewarding. I might be biased but I think it’s the best food and drink market in Scotland, there I said it, can’t take it back now… Being involved in projects like Pitch Up! has developed my knowledge of other land use systems and introduced me to a new network. Taking part in the 2024 Challenge of Rural Leadership has to be one of my most memorable moments. I don’t want to sound woke or dramatic but this course was life-changing and set me on a mission to push myself forward into the unknown.

The lows – There aren’t many lows but notably I would like to mention the 2023 Christmas Market…. This was sent as a test. The market was a great success but I will never forget the mud and number of cars we pulled and pushed in and out of the car park. The estate tractor earned her keep that weekend. Another low would be the March Market 2023, I have never hated a seagull more than when it decided to fly through the main powerline of Bowhouse. Evacuating around 500 people from Bowhouse and watching a live power line bounce around the car park was not a fun moment it has to be said.

 People –  Some pretty cool people work on Balcaskie. It’s a real team that looks out for each other. I always like the morning spent at Bowhouse with Liz, Kylie and Emma getting the market set up and sorted in record time. On the estate, everyone mucks in to get the job done, that’s what makes this place work so well.


Places – This role has taken me to some interesting places and on the way I have met a whole lot of brilliant people. From a trip to Groundswell down south to a regen conference on the Island of Jersey, Stonebarns in New York to Thurso at the top of Scotland, I have seen some pretty cool places along the way. This knowledge and experience will stay with me for a long time.

Memories – This is a small one but a nice one, last summer I watched the cattle in one of the fields near the house gazing into the sunshine. I was standing in the shade under a big beach tree listening to them munching on the dry grass. It was a real moment of calm and a ‘how lucky are we’ moment.  Reflecting on the start of Covid it was all very unknown and quick honestly worrying. What the heck we were going to do at Bowhouse while the world was on shutdown? Creating Bowhouse Link was not only a new route to market for our traders but a lifeline for our customers during such a strange time. This project also kept me going and afloat, in what was a very lonely time. I am very proud of how the Bowhouse team reacted to the pandemic and the positive impact we had on our community.


Lessons Learned and ‘advice’ to give.

  • Don’t be a pushover – It will always come back around and bite you.
  • Listen until the end – hear people out and try not to jump to conclusions.
  • Not knowing what to do when leading a team is not weak – Ask for help, I am always surprised by how other people see issues and tasks differently.
  • Embrace change – it’s not easy sometimes but change means freshness. Don’t get stuck in a rut.
  • Uncomfortable conversations – they are never as bad as you think they are going to be.
  • Fail Fast – don’t keep banging the same drum. Move on.
  • Keep your ‘Fresh Eyes’ for as long as possible. It’s easy to get jaded.
  • Have a laugh – don’t take everything so seriously. Take the stress out of situations with a bit of humour, it always calms everyone down (most of the time…)
  • ‘Run your own race’ – it’s easy to get swept up in other people’s problems. Focus on your own goals.

Well, I didn’t mean for this to turn into a self-help guild but I have enjoyed looking back and reflecting on these years in my life. There have been many great highs and some pretty crappy lows but I will look back on this chapter in my life fondly. My time at Balcaskie has seen me get my first dog and trusty sidekick Rhu, buy my first house, get engaged and start renovating a house that ONE DAY I hope I will be able to live in, pray for me…

But honestly, thank you to everyone that’s been part of it.

It’s been fun! Don’t be a stranger.


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