The Real Bread Festival is being hosted at Bowhouse by Scotland the Bread on Saturday 25th February – following the 2023 Scottish Bread Championships which will be held on Thursday 23rd of February. Open 10am – 4pm.
The Festival rounds off Real Bread Week (18th to 26th February) with an exciting programme including:
– The premiere of a short film celebrating the new wave of agroecological Scottish grain, flour & bread
– The awards ceremony of the newly relocated Scottish Bread Championship (full details and entry form here)
– A keynote speech and panel discussion from the Coordinator of The Real Bread Campaign
– Straw weaving workshop
– A Taste of Diversity: A chance to try different grains (heritage, landraces, ancient, populations)
– Real Bread focused market stalls
– The Big Thrash (especially for children), from sheaf to sourdough by hand: thresh (in a bag), winnow, grind
– Bannocks & Ballads: stories and songs from Marie Louise Cochrane, The Storytelling Cook
…and much more!
Entry is free, but all donations are welcomed and will support Scotland The Bread’s work.